I think the nurturing environment and teacher to student ratio in The Mandelstam School is extremely beneficial for children who are developing their writing, reading, and math skills. Being able to establish a one on one relationship with teachers and have the opportunity to get whatever help they may need is an amazing quality of this school. My son Tyler has excelled in Gulliver Academy after attending The Mandelstam School. The preparation and encouragement that Mandelstam gives its students allowed Tyler to fit in with the rigorous academic ambiance in Gulliver Academy. The gymnastics program that Tyler took part in is also another aspect of The Mandelstam School that enabled him to become a valued player on the soccer, football, and lacrosse team. The rigorous schedule of the gymnastics program has helped him learn how to manage his time in an effective manner and be able to focus and excel in sports and school. No other school could have prepared him so well to start his next chapter in middle school.